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How's the Weather?

If you have a friend across the world, or to the north/south of you, you are bound to be asking one key question: how’s the weather where...

All About Stars

Clouds can be really fascinating. If you look up at the sky they can start to make shapes. They could be white as snow or as dark as a...

What is the Moon Made of?

Our solar system has over 200 moons. Most of these moons are found orbiting the gas giants, planets made up of mostly gases like hydrogen...

Shh! Space's Silence

There is a popular saying that screams are silent in space, but does this suggest that there is a complete absence of sound, or just a...

Why do stars twinkle?

Have you ever heard the song “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” and wondered, how exactly do these little stars glimmer and shine? Probably....

It's Raining Diamonds!

According to US scientists, the planets in Earth’s solar system contain extreme atmospheric conditions that account for unique weather...

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