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All About Rainforests!

When I think of rainforests, I generally think of vast, green landscapes filled with trees and exotic animals that we normally don’t see in our everyday lives. While this description usually matches what a rainforest looks like, there’s so much more to rainforests than what meets the eye! These incredible ecosystems provide homes for plants and animals that complete important jobs for humans and the environment.

What is a Rainforest?

Rainforests are the oldest living ecosystems on the planet. They are expansive areas of green jungles that cover only 60% of the Earth’s surface, yet are home to more than half of the plant and animal species known to mankind. Rainforests get their name from the large amounts of rain that falls every year in these jungles. This large amount of rainfall helps to sustain the organisms that need a hot and humid environment to thrive. Two-thirds of the world’s plant species are found in rainforests, many of which are rare flowers that can only be found in these ecosystems.

What is the Most Famous Rainforest?

The most well-known rainforest is the Amazon rainforest, which is located in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and other South American countries. The Amazon rainforest is home to the Amazon river, the second longest river in the world. The rainforest itself is over 2.1 million square miles long and is home to anacondas, macaws, jaguars, sloths, and various types of rare frogs. In fact, one out of every 10 known species in the world lives in the Amazon rainforest! As you can see from this picture, the Amazon is huge and covers a great amount of land. It is important to keep this land clean and protected so these plants and animals can continue to live and grow unharmed.

What is Happening to Rainforests Today?

Over 289,000 square miles of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed since 1978, primarily so land can be cleared for cattle ranching and other industrial purposes, such as building neighborhoods and factories. This is not exclusive to the Amazon rainforest, however, since many other rainforests around the world have been experiencing this problem recently as well. This has caused the many rare and exotic animals that live in the Amazon rainforest to lose their habitats and be left with nowhere else to live. This loss of rare and exotic animals is called a loss of biodiversity, which is defined as a loss of various forms of life in a particular ecosystem or the worldwide environment. Luckily, many environmental activism groups have lobbied for legislation that would stop the destruction of the Amazon rainforest and other jungles. While the destruction is still happening, it is important for everyone to stand up for these rainforests with environmental activism groups to preserve these amazing ecosystems, along with the animals and plants that live there!

In conclusion, rainforests are incredibly important for various plants and animals, including human beings! We rely on rainforests for ingredients for medicine, sugar, coffee, and more. All of us have a duty to preserve not just rainforests but all of the many facets of the environment. By educating ourselves on world ecosystems, like rainforests, we can be better citizens and keep our environment healthy and safe!

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